Thursday, April 21, 2011

Advice to new graduates that will be entering the teaching profession

Advice to new teachers just entering the profession. In these troubled times, don't we need all the help we can get? You'll also find that tech guy has lots of money saving ideas. Thank you, tech guy.
Educational Technology Guy: Advice to new graduates that will be entering the teaching profession

Monday, April 18, 2011

Students are drowning in debt

To fund their education, students are taking on more and more debt. Unfortunately, much of this debt comes in the form of unsecured, private student loans. This is a very risky form of debt. Students are desperately trying to prepare for an increasingly uncertain economic future. Even in the best of times, this kind of debt could ruin college graduates financially before their careers have even started. Do students and their parents need a financial literacy lesson? Absolutely. Do these types of loans need more regulation? You betcha. Students are drowning in debt | LinkedIn

Our new FCS mantra?

"The biggest problem in the world could have been solved when it was small." - Lao Tzu

Monday, April 11, 2011

Good Enough Moms | with Dr. Marti Erickson & Erin Erickson - Motherhood in today's world - Podcast

Great, free podcasts for parents on this website. I truly recommend them. Quick, easy, and useful information. Who could ask for more?

Good Enough Moms | with Dr. Marti Erickson & Erin Erickson - Motherhood in today's world - Podcast

This week's podcast:

Apr 11, 2011
Have you wondered if your child’s language is what it should be for his or her age? How can you tell and where can you get help if you think there is a problem? A speech and language pathologist offers practical guidelines and suggestions this week!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Women Feel Guiltier About Today’s ‘24/7’ Jobs

WebMDHealth Newletter : Women Feel Guiltier About Today’s ‘24/7’ Jobs

I was just reading this health newsletter, and it revealed what I would suspect most of us already suspected: the work-life balance is getting more difficult, and women tend to feel guilty about it. We don't tend to manage our expectations, we just beat ourselves up for not doing a better job at whatever it is we don't have time for. This article offers helpful advice for women in developing a more balanced a realistic approach to work and family life. It's well worth the couple of minutes it takes to peruse--so don't feel guilty about taking a moment to read it.