Sunday, October 24, 2010

Anonymous donors and political influence

Shall we weigh in on this issue? What are the rights of corporations? Are they just people just like everyone else? Here's a great blog about this issue: For the record, I'm in whole-hearted agreement.

Honey Spelt Bread Recipe - Lionel Vatinet | Food & Wine

Honey Spelt Bread Recipe - Lionel Vatinet | Food & Wine

Bag Lady: 100 words : Growing old

Bag Lady: 100 words : Growing old: "I don’t mind getting old; I remember when forty seemed to be a million miles away. I have wrinkles around my eyes. I’ve have had a lot of l..."

Monday, October 11, 2010

Promoting the profession

"Home Economics has made a large place for itself in our public school system, the people's college. School boards need no longer be bribed with hot biscuits and well broiled steaks served by the children to show how "practical" Home Economics is." -1911 Isabel Bevier

AAFCS New Tagline

Connecting Professionals, Touching Lives

Do you think this accurately depicts what an FCS professional is? What we are as an association? How do we shake the image that we are obsolete or old fashioned?

AAFCS Survey Re: Social Media Use

Help AAFCS learn more about your social media experience and professional needs by completing a brief and confidential online survey at It will be open until midnight (11:59pm ET) on October 13.